
The Board of Directors of the Jewish Federation of Western Connecticut has determined that it would be beneficial to our entire community if the Federation were to issue a response to the recent mass dissemination of hateful information targeting the Jewish community.

The State of Antisemitism in America 2022: AJC's Survey of American Jews

American Jewish Committee (AJC) is the global advocacy organization for the Jewish people. The State of Antisemitism in America 2022: Survey of American Jews, conducted by the research company SSRS, is based on interviews conducted by telephone and online from September 28 - November 3, 2022…

Foundation to Combat Anti-Semitism Careers

The Foundation to Combat Anti-Semitism catalyzes dynamic new solutions to stop the age-old hatred advanced by those who seek the elimination of Judaism and the Jewish people and the modern movement to destroy the world’s only Jewish State. The foundation focuses on positively impacting att…

Police-reported hate crimes rise again, as pandemic worsens discrimination

Article from CP24: Police-reported hate crimes rise again, as pandemic worsens discrimination: StatCan

OTTAWA - The turmoil of the pandemic contributed to the rise of hate and discriminatory behaviour, reflecting historical surges in antisemitism, says the CEO of the Jewish Federation of Gr…

Antisemitic Incidents Hit Highest Level Ever Recorded in Connecticut

ADL press release with respect to 2022 survey of antisemitic incidents in Connecticut

Bridgeport, CT, March 23, 2023… Antisemitic incidents surged to historic levels in 2022, with a 100% increase in Connecticut – a record setting year – according to new data released today by ADL (the…