
The Board of Directors of the Jewish Federation of Western Connecticut has determined that it would be beneficial to our entire community if the Federation were to issue a response to the recent mass dissemination of hateful information targeting the Jewish community.

Iran can make fissile material for a bomb 'in about 12 days'- U.S. official

Article from Reuters: Iran can make fissile material for a bomb 'in about 12 days' - U.S. official

Iran could make enough fissile for one nuclear bomb in "about 12 days," a top U.S. Defense Department official said on Tuesday, down from the estimated one year it would have taken while the …

European envoys brief Washington on how to handle rampant antisemitism

Article from Jewish News Syndicate: In unusual reversal, European envoys brief Washington on how to handle rampant antisemitism

In very recent memory, American Jewry had to urge Europe to take antisemitism more seriously. European nations eventually heeded that call and appointed special e…

"National Day of Hate" Overview - 25 February 2023

SCN SITUATION REPORT: "National Day of Hate" Overview - 25 February 2023

Since early January 2023, a small neo-Nazi group began advertising on a Telegram channel a "day of MASS ANTI-SEMITIC ACTION" referred to as the “National Day of Hate.” The advertisement encouraged followers to “s…

JFNA urge Congress to increase funding for faith communities’ security

Article from The Jerusalem Post: JFNA urge Congress to increase funding for faith communities’ security

They also advocated the committees to fund programs that would fight antisemitism and hate crimes, care for Holocaust survivors and other vulnerable populations.

To view this articl…