A Few Ways to Help Israel Urge members of Congress to stand with Israel

A Few Ways to Help Israel Urge members of Congress to stand with Israel. 


Thank members of Congress who are standing with Israel. 


  1. Donate to Jewish Federations of North America’s emergency campaign for the Jewish Agency, JDC, and the Israel Trauma Coalition. 
  2. Learn more here and donate here. 
  3. Donate to the Jewish Agency's Fund for Victims of Terror. 
  4. Stay informed. 


This comprehensive update from JFNA’s Israel office includes links to videos and other information. 


You may also find these related materials helpful. In our April 16 message to the community, I wrote about the occurrence of a series of Anti-Semitic incidents on the UConn Storrs campus over Passover and relayed that I was in awe of the quality of the response of the students. In that message, I explained that I attended the solidarity rally organized by Hillel students with the support of its professional leadership to alert the community to the magnitude of the problem on campus and to address ways to combat Antisemitism. I noted that the statewide Jewish community was extremely proud of the leadership and courage demonstrated by the students and would support their efforts to confront incidents of Antisemitism. Below is the article appearing in today’s edition of “The Times of Israel” addressing student-led efforts to fight the hate that too many Jewish students are experiencing at Universities throughout our country. The article prominently features the activities of Jewish students and Hillel professional leadership at UConn, including the effort led by a recent UConn graduate to seek University approval for a one-credit course educating all UConn students on Antisemitism. The Jewish Federation of Western Connecticut reiterates our support of Jewish students in the fight against hate and prejudice at the University of Connecticut and elsewhere, including the effort to reduce hate and prejudice through education.