In Memory of Elan Ganeles z'l


The Jewish Federation of Western Connecticut is devastated by the loss of Elan Ganeles z'l, who was murdered in a cruel terrorist attack in Israel yesterday morning while traveling to the wedding of a friend.

We join in the sorrow of the Ganeles family and the entire Jewsih communiy over the senseless loss of this wonderful, bright and kind young man of 27. Elan grew up in West Hartford and graduated from the Hebrew High School of New England. He studied in Israel and later served as a lone soldier in the IDF. More recently, Elan had been studying at Columbia University before recently returning to Israel to attend the wedding.

The funeral will be held tomorrow, Wednesday March 1 at 1pm Israel time, 6am Eastern. The funeral will be held at the Old Raanana Cemetery, Klausner 33, Raanana, Israel. It will be livestreamed, and can be accessed via this link.

The family will return to West Hartford to sit Shiva beginning on Thursday.

To make a donation in memory of Elan, which will be used to support the family during this time, please click here.

Our prayers and thoughts are with Elan’s family and loved ones.

In sorrow,