
19 2023

Beckerman Cultural Arts Series: Lynda Cohen Loigman The Matchmaker's Gift


Lynda Cohen Loigman

"The Matchmaker's Gift"


Thursday, January 19, 2023 | 7 PM

Via Zoom


Is find­ing true love a call­ing or a curse? As a child in 1910, Sara Glik­man knows her gift: she is a mak­er of match­es. But Sara’s voca­tion is dom­i­nat­ed by devout old­er men — men who see a tal­ent­ed female match­mak­er as a dan­ger­ous threat to their tra­di­tions and liveli­hood. In her will Sara bequeathed her jour­nals, with all the details of her match­es, to her grand­daugh­ter, Abby, a suc­cess­ful Man­hat­tan divorce attor­ney. How much is she will­ing to sac­ri­fice in order to keep her grandmother’s mys­te­ri­ous promise to a stranger? And is there real­ly such a thing as love at first sight?